
发布时间: 2024-02-27 来源:bat365正版唯一官网


题目一:A Construction of Binary Asymmetric Error-Correcting Codes

内容简介:Binary asymmetric error-correcting codes (AECC) play an important role in communication systems modeled by the binary symmetric channel (Z-channel). Varshamov proposed a general construction of binary AECC via $V_h$-sequences and obtained many good binary AECC. In this talk, we give a general construction of $V_h$-sequences in ray class groups of algebraic function fields. Our construction induces new lower bounds for binary AECC which improve the previous results. This is a joint work with Prof. Fang-Wei Fu.


报告人简介:首都师范大学数学科学学院教授,博导,主要研究方向为编码理论与密码学。本科毕业于南开大学陈省身数学试点班,博士毕业于南开大学陈省身数学研究所,曾获留学基金委资助赴美国加州大学欧文分校联合培养,以及美国俄克拉荷马大学学术访问。在国内外学术期刊《Math. Ann.》、《IEEE Trans. Info. Theory》、《IEEE TCOM》、《Finite Fields Appls》、《中国科学:数学》等以及国际会议《IEEE ISIT》、《TAMC》等上发表论文三十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金优青项目、面上项目、青年项目及北京市教委项目等。



内容简介:序列是复数域上的有限维离散信号,因其抗干扰、稳定、易实现、高速等特点,被广泛应用于通信、雷达、声呐和密码中, 用于实现同步、多址随机接入、信道估计、测距、抗干扰等需求。以m-序列、Gold序列、Zadoff-ChuZC)序列、Golay序列为代表的经典序列为第三//五代移动通信提供了关键技术支持。本报告主要介绍面向5G/6G大规模移动场景的优相关、低PAPR、大集合序列设计。




题目三:Random star discrepancy based on stratified sampling

内容简介:In this talk, we consider the estimation of the expected star discrepancy. First, the expected star discrepancy  upper bound is obtained for the jittered sampling. This improves the upper bound derived in B. Doerr(Math. Comp. \textbf{91}(2022) 1871-1892). Second, the strong partition principle of the star discrepancy version is obtained, which proves that the expected star discrepancy of stratified sampling is smaller than that of simple random sampling for any equal-measure partition. This partially solves open question 2 in M. Kiderlen and F. Pausinger(J. Complexity \textbf{70}(2022) 101616). In the end, we consider the estimation of the weighted star discrepancy. A better weighted probabilistic star discrepancy bound than the use of plain Monte Carlo point sets is provided in terms of convergence order, i.e., the convergence order of the weighted probabilistic bound is improved from $O(N^{-\frac{1}{2}})$ to $O(N^{-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{2d}}\cdot \ln^{\frac{1}{2}}{N})$.


报告人简介:中山大学数学学院教授、博士生导师、中国数学会理事、广东省数学会理事、广东省工业与应用数学学会副理事长。2004年毕业于中山大学获理学博士学位同年进入浙江大学数学博士后流动站, 2006年博士后出站至今在中山大学数学学院工作。主要研究方向为小波分析与应用调和分析、采样理论及其在信号处理中的应用。在Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., Inverse Probl., J. Fourier Anal. Appl., Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., J. Approx. Theory等国内外主流专业期刊发表多篇关于信号的采样与重构的理论及其应用的论文部分结果获得同行们的关注。曾作为项目负责人主持多项国家级和省部级基金项目。



  点:南海楼124室,腾讯会议: 435-269-651




